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Service Description

Receive my support for 6 x 2-hour sessions using holistic Ayurveda with Jyotish frameworks. Throughout this process I support you to turn your attention within and cultivate a deeper understanding and appreciation of your whole nature. We recognise if there are unhelpful conditions or stories that you are holding onto which create inner conflict or prevent you from feeling a joyful sense-of-self. We focus on what you feel and think about yourself. We also look at the value in your life-experience, and consider ancestral lineage gifts that you embody and are evolving and healing. We take the view of your nature and capacities as being "your divinity within" that you are born with to use for the benefit of your life and others. Holistic Ayurveda with Jyotish enable us to recognise natural patterns in our digestive type and energetic nature, and our inner capacities which are reflected in the modern chakra system. We can think of these as being in our brain, from survival instinct, through broad awareness and social capacity, to pre-frontal cortex. We can also understand our nature in terms of Sattvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic capacities (balance to create harmony, stimulation to interact and share, inertia to focus and create form). We can use pattern observations with Jyotish reflected in the solar and lunar zodiacs down to the Nakshatra and Pada level. I provide a handbook in PDF form that you can print and use as a workbook. You might also purchase a journal or sketchbook to express thought and feeling through writing, colour, or drawing. We will use words and sound to voice and express feeling through simple conversation in speaking and being heard, writing and/or listening/singing along/moving to music that helps you express and release feeling. I can share Vedic mantras that I use. Session 1: Wholeness and identification. Keeping life in context. Session 2: Instruments of perception, keeping distance, right use of mind. Session 3: Valuing your "divinity within", natural role, and life-path. Ancestral gifts. Session 4: Evolving, healing, and harmonising an ancestral theme. Session 5: Cultivating deep joy with sense-of-self and ancestral roots. Session 6: Inclusion and adding your individuality to life. Being fully expressed. Please book your six sessions with me prior to payment of your first session. PAYMENT: 6 x $250 paid prior to each session.

Cancellation Policy

To reschedule, please let me know 48 hours in advance. NO REFUNDS GIVEN

Contact Details

  • Warragul VIC, Australia

    049 291 4370

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