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Sept. Full Moon 2024

FULL MOON - High Tide, Share

18th September, 12:34 p.m., Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Sidereal Zodiac: Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra in Pisces (Cancer Pada)

CELEBRATE and express appreciation for all that we have.


Share, give back, contribute abundance.

Empty and release and let go.

Then RETREAT to restore and re-energise at New Moon.

Featured photo by Lani Worth - "Bay Tree Blossom"


Southern Hemisphere Season: On the doorstep of Spring

Dosha: Vata-Kapha

Seasonal qualities: Cold-warm, dry-moist, light-heavy

Predominant Taste: Astringent

Balance with opposites: More pungent, sour, light sweet and salty.

Balance your individual metabolic type within the seasonal qualities and energies. Note that transition times between seasons requires attention and diligence to dynamically balance observable qualities with opposites. It is good to stay close to our body, listen, feel, and pay close attention to what it is showing us, and what we are thinking and feeling. Then take necessary action for personal balance and well-being.

Food suggestions: Light, easy-to-digest food that is adequately warm and moist to prevent dryness. Vegetarian food comes into its own at this time. Soups and stir fries are good. Rice Biryani dishes with almonds or pistachios. Dhal with chappatis. Pasta with basil and pistachio pesto. Stewed apple with a teaspoon of ghee.



Let My Life Be a Meditation ...

Let my life be a meditation

Of daily focus & attention

On what I feel is important & worthwhile.

To be sensible & joyful,

To be self-aware & all-inclusive,

To accept each day as a new possibility,

To wake with gratefulness that I am breathing, & that those close to me are also,

To embrace the day,

To make it worthwhile,

To ADD to it with myself,

To live in grace that I am part of something much bigger than myself - the wondrous movement of life and nature on Earth.

"Flow" ... is a word I find really helpful as a mother. It reminds me, immediately, to be

My third and youngest 14 years ago now.

unattached to my children and their lives - not fixed, or fixated upon - but flowing and moving along with their growth and development.

When I look back on my years as a mother, going through pregnancy, childbirth, and from children growing through childhood to young adulthood, I have experienced much in this context. I have had a certain type of experience which is valuable to me. I have grown in my skillset and continue to change. My life is so much richer because I have chosen to include other lives as part of my own. Emotional pain and grief have come when I have resisted the flow, or had to face the reality of life transitions, but thankfully I have floated past these and learnt to expand my perspective and realise that we are each a life in our own right. And my childrens' lives are their own creation and they are entitled to spend them as they see fit.

51 years old and a little greyer.

Peacefulness comes now when I remember that I am responsible for my own life, and as my children have grown they are responsible for theirs. Helping them be peaceful, joyful and competent from within themselves, and valuing each other, is my clarity.

Now that my two eldest are 26 and 24 and my youngest is 15, I sense a new phase/a season of change. I draw on what I have learnt thus far and open my heart to what will come. I remain steady with my feet on the ground and strong in my heart's good intention.

I will remember to flow as I come face to face with my own preconceptions and the inevitable "boulders in the river" and try to be a nourishing and cohesive force, flowing forward in my own life, investing my energy in new creations, and continuing to be present and supportive of the lives of those around me.


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