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May, 2023

Movement of the Moon

Photo by Lani Worth

New Moon: 20th May

First Quarter: 28th May

Full Moon: 6th May

Third Quarter: 13th May

Seasonal Focus - Southern Hemisphere

Here in the Southern Hemisphere in Australia it is autumn, and we are in transitional weather that sees some warm, sunny days and cool-to-cold mornings and nights. The rains come intermittently and we have to be fluid to balance the dynamic conditions of each day.

Until mid-May and then into July, it is good to notice what we are harvesting and gathering physically, mentally, and emotionally. When winter comes it will be a natural time to turn inward and rest and restore.

These last few weeks of transitional weather can be harnessed to notice what we are grateful for and be enlivened to gather up what we appreciate, while feeling what we might want to clear, cut away, or let go of for our well-being.

I have been getting out in nature on the weekend with my family to heal and be restored amongst the trees, birds, and running water. We are fortunate to be surrounded by lots of natural beauty, and moving the body and walking in nature is gentle medicine.

If you are in Gippsland we can recommend observing the Bell Miner birds at The Golden Whistler Reserve, Drouin, and walking along the Tyers River at the Wirilda Track, Tyers.

Food as Medicine:

Autumn crops planted - growing what we can in our small town garden!

The Strength of Sensitivity

I am aware that "sensitivity" is much maligned. But as a physically and emotionally sensitive person, I know how I have used this aspect of myself as a strength, because I realise it is just one aspect of myself. I know many other people, young and old, who are highly sensitive in some way, and my encouragement is to honour this aspect of nature and what it enables us to do.

Sensitivity allows us to detect subtleties. It gives us an embodied knowing, an acute intelligence, which can help us detect what is not good, and also create refinement in healing and environment, relationship, expression and aesthetics. We only have to remember that we are more than our sensitivity, learn to shield ourselves practically for our own well-being, and use this skill to contribute positively to life around us.

I have only to think for one moment about what our world would be like without sensitivity, and I am immediately grateful for this ability in people. I see it as a strength and capacity that we can use to assist well-being for self and others. I certainly would not want to be alive amongst a human collective that has no sensitivity!

"Use your individuality to add to life" - illustration by Didileia Worth, inspired by Sascalia.


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