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March New Moon 2024

NEW MOON - Low tide, Restore

10th March, 8:00 p.m., Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Sidereal Zodiac: Aquarius in Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra


RESTORE, renew, re-energise, prepare good ground.

Plant seeds of intention, tend, nurture growth.


Nourishing Life According to its Nature

Noticing a person's nature and supporting what is kind for their body and being. This has been my life-journey, particularly as a mother, and in extending this devotion I seek to provide genuine reflection of a person's natural strengths, skills, gifts with the intention of encouraging them to value their body, nature, and life-time. It is a hard sell amongst the ocean of opinion and information that swamps and overshadows our daily intake of impressions through our senses, not to mention long-held systems of thought and human-created paradigms that discourage us from trusting the natural intelligence within us.

I personally experience and witness in others, the detriment to our inner well-being when we stay silent and perpetuate a life-way that works against our personal chemistry, energies, heart, and life-generating spirit.

Deep self-awareness and conscious life-practice and personal balance is a profound tonic with which to empower ourselves each and every day; to live our own life from within, and fully engage with and contribute to the world around us from this life-giving core. We can use our body, breath, awareness, and nature to choose a personally nourishing and meaningful life that we have chosen as a good use of our own life-time. While we live with self-responsibility alongside others in cooperation and support. Imagine a world where everyone is practising high self-care through simple, daily ways of being, and flourishing within their natural boundaries while caring for others. We may not be able to change the world, but we can change ourselves because we already choose our own intakes and use of energy each and every day (in every place where there is life beyond survival and choice). It is just a question of what we choose and take action (karma) on. What will we personally choose and create today from within and around us?

Direct perception of qualities, energies, expressions, roles and our individual discernment to feel what is healthful in our own body and being. These are the benefits of using Ayurveda and Jyotish frameworks which encapsulate natural law. And we are all bound by natural law.

This life-way is a gift I hope to leave my children, and hopefully many others because I personally know its benefit as a human nature, woman, life-partner, and especially as a mother.


The ground has been noticeably dry and Vata is present with its cool, dry, light qualities and increasing bitterness and astringency witnessed in the much cooler, even cold temperatures at night. And yet high temperatures are still occurring through the day in a string of 30+ degree Celsius temperatures. So Pitta is still making its presence felt. These hot, dry conditions call for balancing with sufficient moisture in the form of water, and moisture-rich meals that are easy to digest. Some suggestions are vegetable casseroles and stews, dhals, warm rice salads, paneer added to mild curries, lentil dishes, sugar-free chutneys, chapatis or flatbreads with main meals, homemade dressings and hommus, stewed fruit.

The plums and apples have come to an end in our garden. The odd strawberry and avocado grace our plates. Herbs are still in abundance though. Bay leaves have been collected and dried. Rosemary is still going strong. Purple Sage and Thyme are plentiful. Rhubarb stems are looking strong, ready to harvest and stew soon. I appreciate these gifts from my garden which provide daily joy and wonder in addition to contributing to our sustenance.

Humble harvest from our garden this morning: silverbeet, tomato, basil which I will add to our meals today.

'Health is the result of something else.' Maya Tiwari


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