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March Full Moon 2024

FULL MOON - High tide, Share

25th March, 6 p.m., Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Sidereal Zodiac: Hasta Nakshatra in Virgo

CELEBRATE and express appreciation for all that we have.


Share, give back, contribute abundance.

Empty and release and let go.

Then RETREAT to restore and re-energise at New Moon.



Although life brings many challenges, we are here, and individually capable to choose and create our present experience within the natural boundaries and limitations of our circumstance.

In the most basic of ways, each and every day, we choose how we use our own body and being; what we take into ourselves, how we digest our inputs and experience, and what we give out energetically.

We are self-empowered!


It is Autumn here in West Gippsland, Victoria, Australia. There is a change in conditions towards cool/cold temperatures with a little more rain, although the ground is still noticeably dry.

In Ayurveda, salty taste is observed to be predominant at this time, expressing the elements of fire and water. Despite cooler conditions, pure Pitta and transformational energy is strong. When it comes to food, we can balance salty, sour, and pungent by introducing more sweet tastes with accents of astringent and bitter. It is also a good time to gently cleanse and detox before shoring up for winter heaviness. Even one day a week of a fruit fast or lighter eating, is helpful. Laura Plumb's recipe of homemade apple sauce (sugar free) made with a little ghee, cinnamon, and water comes to mind as a light, nourishing and cleansing food during partial fasting. I have also tried her Overnight Oats with Chia seed and it is a nourishing breakfast food - my 87 year-old mother has enjoyed a similar recipe for awhile now. We might enjoy lightly sauteed greens with nourishing vegetable dishes including dhals, kitchari, or soups served with homemade chappaties or flatbreads. Vegetable minestrone soup, pumpkin soup, rissotto, broths, warm salads - the list is endless.

Dill has been available in our garden to add its sweet, uplifting note as a garnish to dishes. Mandarines are forming on the tree and it looks like there will be a good crop. Silverbeet is still abundant, and the Hass avocado tree is laden with small fruit. In terms of flowers, Chrysanthemums are blossoming in time for Easter, and the Marigolds provide cheerful colour as neighbours pass by our house.

This is a time to harvest, and prepare to turn within when we take stock during the cooler months. Preparation can take many different forms on physical, emotional, and mental levels. "What am I harvesting in my life currently?" is a good question to ask, and then take necessary action towards our personal well-being.


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