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July Full Moon 2024

FULL MOON - High Tide, Share

21st July, 8:17 p.m., Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Sidereal Zodiac: Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra in Capricorn

CELEBRATE and express appreciation for all that we have.


Share, give back, contribute abundance.

Empty and release and let go.

Then RETREAT to restore and re-energise at New Moon.


Southern Hemisphere Season: Late Winter

Dosha: Pure Vata

Seasonal qualities: Cold, dry, rough, mobile, light, clear, subtle (although we have had some steady rain lately)

Predominant Tastes: Bitter, astringent, pungent

Balance with opposites: Sweet, sour, salty.

Balance your individual metabolic type within the seasonal qualities and energies. Note that if you are Pitta type you might be careful not to use too much sour, salty or pungent tastes which increase Pitta.

Food suggestions: Warming, moist, cooked food with nourishing, grounding sweeter qualities. Vegetable soups or casseroles with lentils or red kidney beans. Cooked chestnuts. Stewed seasonal fruits with cinnamon, vanilla, maple syrup or honey (on serving). Bone broths if you aren't vegetarian. Stir fries. Rice Biryani dishes with almonds or pistachios. Dhal with chappatis. Pasta with parsley and macadamia pesto. Stewed quince. Stewed rhubarb.



Let my life be a meditation

Of daily focus and attention

On what I feel is important and worthwhile.

To be sensible and joyful,

To be self-aware and all-inclusive,

To accept each day as a new possibility,

To wake with gratefulness that I am breathing, and that those close to me are also,

To embrace the day,

To make it worthwhile,

To ADD to it with myself,

To live in grace that I am part of something much bigger than myself - the wondrous movement of life and nature on Earth.


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