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January Full Moon 2024

FULL MOON - High tide, Share

26th January, 4:54 a.m., Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Sidereal Zodiac: Cancer in Pushya nakshatra

CELEBRATE and express appreciation for all that we have.


Share, give back, contribute abundance.

Empty and release and let go.

RETREAT to restore and re-energise.


Right Use of Our Power

The best use of our personal power is for self-responsibility, self-care, and self-expression. We all naturally want to be seen and heard but some of us don't always feel comfortable to reveal who we truly are, and if we also have talent and inner power, containing this and being inwardly critical becomes harmful to our health. Fear, anger, and self-doubt are debilitating emotions and harmful to our body's chemistry. In truth, we are all leaders of our own life, and we choose how we spend it and what we use it for! If we are unhappy with our life, we must do something different if we want a different outcome. The core question is, "Do I value myself and my life-opportunity?" We are all self-empowered when we come back to our five senses and keep our own power of attention and be discerning. We can remember wholeness and cultivate feeling value for the diversity of human natures including our own. We can generate kindness in our heart for self and others. And we can choose how to use our own sensitivity, talent, and inner power to add to life. Then we can take action to create an outcome.


Summer is an abundant time in the garden here. We only have a small town garden but a little goes a long way! Growing herbs is usually easy, rewarding and economical, serving both as flavouring agents and healthful tea ingredients. It is uplifting to plant a garden and harvest food to prepare a quick, nourishing meal. There is an abundance of beauty in colour, texture, and scent to soak up and be healed by. I encourage you to grow your own and enjoy the creativity of gardening and cooking, and close connection with the earth. Growing and cooking our own food is a healing foundation for managing our sensitivity naturally.

'Food is memory, eating is remembering.' Maya Tiwari

Homemade Ghee

It is easy and rewarding to make ghee. Ghee is a healthy fat, balanced in omega-3 and omega-6. It is worthwhile using as part of a balanced diet.

Herbal Tea

It is healthful to broaden our scope from tea and coffee drinking to include fresh-cut or dried herbal teas that don't contain caffeine. This Raspberry Leaf and Hibiscus tea is more cooling in the summer weather. An "Egyptian Ice" blend containing orange pekoe, rose, and a few other herbs offers a more complex blend that satisfies a desire for something different occasionally. Nettle tea is another mainstay, as is Gotu Kola dried from the garden (it grows well in our West Gippsland garden).


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