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August New Moon 2024

NEW MOON - Low tide, Restore

4th August, 9:13 p.m., Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Sidereal Zodiac: New Moon in Cancer (Aslesha nakshatra, Sagittarius pada).


RESTORE, renew, re-energise, prepare good ground.

Plant seeds of intention, tend, nurture growth.

Blog featured photo by Lani Worth - "A world all it's own", moss!


Southern Hemisphere Season: Late Winter

Dosha: Pure Vata

Seasonal qualities: Cold, dry, rough, mobile, light, clear, subtle (although we have had some steady rain lately)

Predominant Tastes: Bitter, astringent, pungent

Balance with opposites: Sweet, sour, salty.

Balance your individual metabolic type within the seasonal qualities and energies. Vata types need to counteract dyrness. If you are Pitta type be careful not to use too much sour, salty or pungent tastes which increase Pitta.

Food suggestions: Warming, moist, cooked food with nourishing, grounding sweeter qualities. Vegetable soups or casseroles with lentils or red kidney beans. Cooked chestnuts. Stewed seasonal fruits with cinnamon, vanilla, maple syrup or honey (on serving). Bone broths if you aren't vegetarian. Stir fries. Rice Biryani dishes with almonds or pistachios. Dhal with chappatis. Pasta with parsley and macadamia pesto. Stewed rhubarb.



It's time to let our parents and ourselves off the hook and let go of blame, excuses, and unrealistic expectations. We all have failings and limitations that are part of our nature, and these play out compulsively when we are blind to our own nature. There are always highs and lows, good and bad. The shades of life-experience are vast and varied.

What we CAN do is become aware of ourselves and what we choose on a daily basis. This is the realistic way we forge conscious change and healing. And we cannot do this if we are hauling our negative history or creating new boulders in our own river of thought and feeling out of fear or anger.

Understanding self and others. Accepting strengths and weaknesses. Using our memory and imagination in constructive ways while keeping a clear, open mind to pay attention in today's present without judgement. Knowing what we will personally stand for and be committed to. Doing what we CAN do to the best of our own ability and supporting others to do the same.

This is a healing way forward. This is a good use of our life-time and daily energy. We need to remember the strength and dignity within our ancestry (feel it within our DNA) and carry this forward in relevant and appropriate ways in our present life, adding goodness to this ourselves as we can ... for the sake of our children now and for future generations.


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