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April Full Moon 2024

FULL MOON - High Tide, Share

24th April, 9:48 a.m., Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Sidereal Zodiac: Swati Nakshatra in Libra

CELEBRATE and express appreciation for all that we have.


Share, give back, contribute abundance.

Empty and release and let go.

Then RETREAT to restore and re-energise at New Moon.


Motherhood - Not for the Faint-Hearted - Especially in Our Current World.

Emotional nourishment is the natural, expected role of human mothers. And this requires presence, emotional and physical energy, selfless focus, unconditional love, and daily self-care in simple but essential ways through food, water, sufficient rest, healthful movement, meaningful and purposeful use of energy, and love and support from others.

How can a mother provide emotional nourishment if she is stretching herself beyond her limits in her daily life?

How can a mother remain loving, inclusive, and nurturing if she has to take on additional roles of protector and provider? I have witnessed this in my own mother, and experienced it myself.

Motherhood is a vital and challenging role that has different phases of intensity that last the rest of a mother's life-time. Mothers choose a particular kind of human responsibility. If we are birth mothers, this is even more intense and challenging to include a life as part of our own, and then release them unconditionally to be their own life.

If we choose to be a mother, we must fully understand what we are taking on, and be aware that we are creating the next generation of people, who may or may not choose to reciprocate our love and care for whatever reason. Worse still, that they would return as adults and blame you and treat you poorly or cut you out of their lives. I have witnessed all this as possible. Human relationship is made quite complicated these days, and understanding and kindness is often required in family. A reciprocation of love and devotion is purely up to our children; a mother or father can't expect it. After all, we choose for our children to be here - we bring them into the world to fulfill our own desires. How they individually feel about their life is known to their own heart.

As a mother of three children, I also want to express the privilege, beauty, joy, and formidable inner power that I have experienced being able to create, birth, nourish, and include three beautiful humans in my life, and into the world to add their individuality to life as they experience our Earth for awhile. All life comes from mothers - it is a gift and responsibility I don't take lightly. I have to be self-nourished and know my individual power and value, and flow forward in my own life while I choose to continue to give as much emotional nourishment and support to my children as my nature enables me to do. And offer compassionate support to other mothers, our husbands and fathers that we walk in vital partnership with, and our children.

It has been healing for me as a daughter and sister to think about each of my parents as people in their own right. I appreciate my mother even more when I consider: Who is she? What was her own life like? What might her personal aspirations have been? Was she shown love and support? This has helped my self-compassion as a mother, and compassion and regard for other mothers.


Temperatures are turning from cool to cold with a bit of warmth on some days. Moisture is increasing. There is a sharp, refrigerant quality in the air and internal dryness requires balancing with warm drinks and sweet foods to nourish and stabilise.

It is definitely a time to enjoy warm soups and casseroles. Stewed fruit such as apple, quince or rhubarb with almond meal and cinnamon crumble topping make a lovely Sunday breakfast, or accompaniment to almond milk pancakes, or dessert.

This season supports transition and clearing. "What am I harvesting in my life right now?" is a good question to ask, and then take necessary action towards personal balance and well-being.


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