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Why Self-Awareness?

Understanding our own body and nature helps us know our personal boundaries.  It is only when we push or break these boundaries that we create dis-ease within ourselves in some form.  With self-awareness we recognise what is healing for us physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, AND what is not.  Our life-time can then become a more focused creation within our natural boundaries.


What we do each day creates the state or quality of our experience.  How are we using our own body and nature?  What are we creating with ourselves?  Does it feel nourishing and in-line with our heart?  Is our body well and with vitality?  Our body is our ultimate guide!


We cannot live our own life for someone else, especially if this goes against our nature and compromises our well-being.  The only sustainable way to help others is to be well and whole within ourselves and then contribute our light, our gifts, and capabilities in cooperation and support, not compromise.  Understanding, valuing, and trusting our own nature is the steady foundation from which to choose and create our life experience - from within our own heart - where we need to nourish ourselves and stoke our inner light and feel safe to shine and contribute to life around us.


The Vedic healing system supports self-awareness and choice.  It provides tools like Ayurveda and Jyotish to help us transform our own way of living our life, through self-awareness and daily practice, empowering us to choose and create our own life experience with awareness and choice.  It is kind and wise to use our own body and life in a way that is nourishing and meaningful to us.  And only we can determine what this is for ourselves because we are all different natures.  What we think and feel about our self is what matters, and we choose this from within our self.


We must accept our environment from childhood and the lessons it brings, but as an adult we have the opportunity to shape our own life as we want it to be.  Some of us may need to work on this more than others.  Either way, it is worth developing self-trust and creating our own life where we feel whole and visible.

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